Caffeine & Crime S1E1: Brooke Skylar Richardson

Brooke Skylar Richardson

Caffeine & Crime S1E1

You may have noticed a little change on my blog (if you're one of my regular readers) recently. 
With life being hectic and not always "sunshine," me loving way too many hobbies it isn't funny, and wanting to add content to my already crazy amount. Some "things" that may not vibe with "Bits of Sunshine" is why it was time for a change. Don't worry I'll still have bits of sunshine posts. XO
With that being said I have branched out to new things recently hence the "All the Things" and I want to share what I'm interested in. True crime has always been something that intrigued me. I loved watching 'Law & Order' or 'CSI: Miami' to try to figure out who did whatever before the show told you. Once an episode started I was sucked in. From there I think it's just a pure curiosity that makes me get a little too involved in cases sometimes. I may get invested, lose sleep, and have my heartache for families that I don't even know, but I think that's what makes me part of the true-crime family. 
While not everyone likes this type of content and I understand completely (sometimes I wish I wasn't so invested) that's why my Tuesdays here on my blog will be the only day geared to true crime. My typical content will continue as usual. 

I don't want to run down this story of Brooke Skylar Richardson because I already have in my new podcast and YouTube channel: Caffeine & Crime. 
I highly suggest you check out either one that I will link below. If you're a watcher and enjoy seeing someone as company while telling a story you'll want to check out my YouTube, but if you're a podcast listener on the go then you'll want to check out my podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or all the places podcasts are available! I'm super excited about this journey in the podcast (and true crime) world and hope fellow true crime lovers enjoy. 

For Season 1 Episode 1 I bring you Brooke Skylar Richardson a typical high school cheerleader that was carrying way too much baggage of secrets than one should. Since I haven't noticed any details so far that I may have left out I will just leave some pictures below. If you spotted a mistake, something I left out, or just want to say "hey" and request a case for a future episode message me over on Instagram@caffeinecrimepodcast

Skylar ready for Senior Prom May 5th 2017 (just two days before the birth of Anabelle) 

One of the many photos sent to her mom (after birthing her daughter) to show progress with weight loss. 
Regardless of the outcome. I loved watching this woman pour her heart out for sweet Anabelle. 

 What are your thoughts on this case? Tell me over on my Instagram.

See you next week with episode 2!

Did you miss these blogs?
*more true crime posts coming every Tuesday
I also have a beauty channel on YouTube! Have you checked out my most recent upload? 

Personal Instagram: @allisonhunt_2
Beauty Instagram: @allybrianne_mua
True Crime Instagram: @caffeinecrimepodcast
Twitter: @allybrianne1407
Youtube: AllyBrianne
True Crime Channel: Caffeine & Crime Podcast
This blog is not sponsored. 
Thanks for supporting my Blog & Channel! XO


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