Nannie Doss Pt. 1 | S2E5

Nannie Doss Pt. 1 | S2E5

Today's episode is available on  AnchorSpotifyApple PodcastGoogle Podcast and more! 

Nannie Doss was referred to as the Giggling Granny, the Lonely Hearts Killer, the Black Widow, and Lady Blue Beard. She was called a "self-made widow" and you'll find out why in today's episode!

Make sure you check out today's Instagram post. With "serial killer" season the cases are so long that I will have them all in two parts. Next week will be part 2 of Nannie Doss!
These true crime Tuesday blog posts are for the sole purpose of having photos and links for the podcast listener so give the episode a listen while following along here!

Nannie Doss

With this case being earlier in the 1900's there isn't a lot to go off of picture wise or links. It's still a case worth mentioning and one of the craziest I've done. Make sure to check it out! 


Caffeine & Crime: Podcast Caffeine & Crime: Blog
Instagram: @allisonhunt_2
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