Hall-Mills Murders | S7E2


 Today's episode is available on  Anchor, Spotify, Apple PodcastGoogle Podcast, and more!

The deaths of Edward Hall and Eleanor Mills are the dark fates of a reverend and choir soprano that have a secret affair. We're going way back, 100 years actually, to discuss the Hall-Mills Murders. Who killed this couple so many years ago or did the killers get a "not guilty" verdict?
I'm so happy to be back for another season. Season 7 is here and it's going to be a tough one as we'll be focusing on cold cases.

Make sure you check out today's Instagram post.

Instagram @caffeinecrimepodcast

These true crime Tuesday blog posts are for the sole purpose of having photos and links for the podcast listener so give the episode a listen while following along here, but if you prefer visuals while listening you can also watch over on YouTube!


Reverend Edward Hall & Eleanor Mills 

James Mills 
Frances Noel Stevens Hall

St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in New Brunswick
The Steven-Hall House
Lovers Lane
Edward Hall's business card found at the crime scene
The bare tree after all "souvenirs" was taken

Jane Gibson (named the "pig woman") the eyewitness

Did I forget anything? let me know @caffeinecrimepodcast on Instagram xo

Bubbly Gift Shop x Caffeine & Crime collab! There are two bath bombs (Caffeine, smells like coffee. Crime smells like a strawberry cupcake!) that are organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, & cruelty-free! With each order of one or both, you will receive a 'Caffeine & Crime' Podcast sticker with your order! Thank you so much for your continued love and support of this podcast & I hope you check them out: Bubbly Gift Shop


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Instagram: @allisonhunt_2
Beauty Instagram: @allybrianne_mua Beauty Blog: Beauty With AllyBrianne
Youtube: AllyBrianne
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