Caffeine & Crime S1E10: Hailey Owens

Hailey Owens

Caffeine & Crime S1E10

Episode 10 of Season 1 is live and you can listen to it on my podcast and YouTube channel:
 Caffeine & Crime. 
I highly suggest you check out either one that I will link below. If you're a watcher and enjoy seeing someone as company while telling a story you'll want to check out my YouTube, but if you're a podcast listener on the go then you'll want to check out my podcast on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcast, or Google Play. 

For the Season 1 finale, I wanted to do a case close to home. The story of Hailey Owens is another tough one that leaves you feeling crushed. Hailey's story has never left me and I don't think it will ever leave many.
 If you spotted a mistake, something I left out, or just want to say "hey" and request a case for a future episode message me over on Instagram @caffeinecrimepodcast

Hailey Owens <3

Hailey & her mother <3
Craig Wood - Mugshot in 2014

Craig Wood's house & truck 

Updated Mugshot of Craig Wood

 What are your thoughts? Tell me over on my Instagram.

See you next week with the season 1 wrap up!


-From a local: " I wanted to provide some additional information that could help to shed some light on why it took so long to narrow down a suspect. The gold Ford ranger was actually registered under Craig Woods father. He lived in Bolivar which is a different jurisdiction, so by the time they got clearance to cross jurisdictions and a warrant to search the home some time had passed and then they found out that Craig used the truck even though it was registered in his fathers name. " (Thank you! Anything I missed is always appreciated!)

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I also have a beauty channel on YouTube! Have you checked out my most recent upload? 


Personal Instagram: @allisonhunt_2
Beauty Instagram: @allybrianne_mua
True Crime Instagram: @caffeinecrimepodcast
Twitter: @allybrianne1407
Youtube: AllyBrianne
True Crime Channel: Caffeine & Crime Podcast

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