Caffeine & Crime S1E3: Jonbenet Ramsey

Jonbenet Ramsey

Caffeine & Crime S1E3

This 23-year-old cold case is episode 3 and you can listen to it on my podcast and YouTube channel:
 Caffeine & Crime. 
I highly suggest you check out either one that I will link below. If you're a watcher and enjoy seeing someone as company while telling a story you'll want to check out my YouTube, but if you're a podcast listener on the go then you'll want to check out my podcast on Anchor, Spotify, and more platforms are coming soon! There has been a little delay on others, but I will keep you updated on my Instagram. 

In this episode, I discuss the case and theories around the most publicized cold case of all time. What happened to Jonbenet? Was it an intruder or an inside job? Was it avoidable?
Since I haven't noticed any details so far that I may have left out I will just leave some pictures below. If you spotted a mistake, something I left out, or just want to say "hey" and request a case for a future episode message me over on Instagram @caffeinecrimepodcast

Jonbenet wasn't looked at as another simple young girl in this case...
But more so of the pageant girl her parent's flaunted everywhere. 
Many interviews were done of the Ramsey's stating over and over they did not kill Jonbenet. 
Some theories (I talk about) want to say Patsy killed her own child on accident because Jonbenet was bed-wetting at the time. 
Other's want to point the finger at Jon and say more was happening behind closed doors. 

But then we have the brother who apparently was asleep during all of it... but was he really?
Could it have been him and his parent's covering it up?
We may never know what happened to Jonbenet, but the worst part is she will never have the justice she deserves. 

 What do you think happened to Jonbenet Ramsey? Tell me over on my Instagram.

See you next week with episode 4!

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True Crime Instagram: @caffeinecrimepodcast

Twitter: @allybrianne1407
Youtube: AllyBrianne

True Crime Channel: Caffeine & Crime Podcast

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