Caffeine & Crime S1E5: Chris Watts

Chris Watts

Caffeine & Crime S1E5

This episode 5 is the halfway point for Season 1 and you can listen to it on my podcast and YouTube channel:
 Caffeine & Crime. 
I highly suggest you check out either one that I will link below. If you're a watcher and enjoy seeing someone as company while telling a story you'll want to check out my YouTube, but if you're a podcast listener on the go then you'll want to check out my podcast on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcast, or Google Play. 

The disturbing and emotional case of Chris Watts. A husband, father, and son that wanted a "do-over" and wasn't going to have any "baggage" from his current life holding him back.
A confirmed lifetime movie on this case will air this month (January 2020). As for Nikki she has been cleared of any charges and is under witness protection. Still, people are not convinced she had nothing to do with it (hence the witness protection)by the strange footage of what some think is a ponytail on a figure from that horrible morning. You can see it linked below under "Was Nikki actually involved with that night?" Also, the other video linked "woman entered the house" where the neighbor had seen a woman go into the home on his camera after a black SUV drove by several times. Police didn't cover the whole house when going into the search. So did she get away? Was she trying to recover something for Chris? Was she covering her own tracks? Others wonder was it just the ghost of Shanann... Either way, the police have never released the neighbor's footage strangely. 
  If you spotted a mistake, something I left out, or just want to say "hey" and request a case for a future episode message me over on Instagram @caffeinecrimepodcast

Beautiful Shanann, Bella, & Celeste. May they rest peacefully. My thoughts go out to their family and friends. 

The site that Chris chose to dump/hide his wife and babies. You can see below the initial markings he put to show where he discarded each one of them. Sorry for maybe coming off insensitive. This guy just makes me boil. 

Other links:

 What are your thoughts? Tell me over on my Instagram.

See you next week with episode 6!

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Beauty Instagram: @allybrianne_mua
True Crime Instagram: @caffeinecrimepodcast
Twitter: @allybrianne1407
Youtube: AllyBrianne
True Crime Channel: Caffeine & Crime Podcast

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