Caffeine & Crime S1E8: The Short Family Murders

The Short Family Murders

Caffeine & Crime S1E8

Episode 8 of Season 1 is live and you can listen to it on my podcast and YouTube channel:
 Caffeine & Crime. 
I highly suggest you check out either one that I will link below. If you're a watcher and enjoy seeing someone as company while telling a story you'll want to check out my YouTube, but if you're a podcast listener on the go then you'll want to check out my podcast on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcast, or Google Play. 

A family murder case leaves people still questioning what happened? Who did this? It's been almost 18 years and with little to go off of already, there is even less after the fire last year. 
Another shout out to Shelly for this episode request! XO
 If you spotted a mistake, something I left out, or just want to say "hey" and request a case for a future episode message me over on Instagram @caffeinecrimepodcast

Both of Jennifer's parents were found murdered in the home. She was "missing" for 2 months before her remains were found.  

With no other evidence, in this case, the only eye witness said there were a man and truck that had been in the area. Was he involved or just someone else passing through?

If you can identify this man or truck reach out to the Short family outreach number to help. It's a very slim chance of solving this case and figuring out who this even is.  
As of last year, the only hope left in this cold case was burned to the ground. Some are suspicious of how this could have burned with no electricity in this abandoned home. Seems fishy.  

 What are your thoughts? Tell me over on my Instagram.

See you next week with episode 9!

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Personal Instagram: @allisonhunt_2
Beauty Instagram: @allybrianne_mua
True Crime Instagram: @caffeinecrimepodcast
Twitter: @allybrianne1407
Youtube: AllyBrianne
True Crime Channel: Caffeine & Crime Podcast

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